Sue Songer plays piano in Joyride as well as in other configurations. Joyride is a piano band, and therefore, needs a piano. If Joyride is playing, a piano is necessary. Unless specifically arranged with Sue personally, it will be assumed that event organizers and producers will provide either a standard “real” piano in good tuning and condition or a piano keyboard which meets the following criteria provided by Sue herself.
Keyboard Specifications
In order of importance, here are the needs for a perfect keyboard set up:
*Keyboard with 88 weighted keys, damper pedal, and all necessary cables.
*Extension cord and multiple outlet box. Sometimes the sound crew has this, but I don’t leave it to chance.
*Stand for the keyboard
*Piano bench—preferably adjustable height
*Small monitor that is dedicated to the keyboard
*Some means of attaching the pedal to the floor so that it doesn’t move around. A small rug (with gripping backing) will work. Or lots of duct tape.